Monday, 1 February 2016

Zoeva Rose Golden Vol. 2 Complete Eye Brush Set Review

Zoeva Rose Golden Vol. 2 complete eye set review

I needed these like a hole in the head but welcome to my Zoeva brush family the Rose Golden Vol. 2 eye set! I ordered these just before Christmas when I was doing my Makeup Geek order because obviously I needed new eye brushes to go with it and just look how pretty they are! Hard to resist or what?

The set includes twelve eye brushes in a limited edition (although still available) nude and rose gold handled set. Zoeva do not test any of their products on animals and this brush set is made up of brushes with both natural and synthetic bristles. As with all their other sets, the brushes are super soft and wash really well! So, onto the brushes!

Zoeva Rose Golden Vol. 2 eye set review 142 325 227 322

142 Concealer Buffer
First up, this is actually the third copy I now have of this brush (also in the Rose Gold Set and Bamboo Vol. 2 set I have!) and I don’t like it so I sold it on Ebay! I found with the others it just moved my concealer round and I ended up with no coverage and I just prefer using my fingers to pat it in! If you have any other uses for this brush do let me know as I have two sitting unloved in my brush pot!

325 Luxe Brow Light
I usually use a much smaller and more flexible brush to apply highlight to my brow but I have been enjoying using this as it has such a light touch! It’s a bit too big to use in the inner corner of my eye though!

227 Luxe Soft Definer
I’m always happy to have another blending brush in my life and this one does a great job!

322 Brow Line
I usually use a Zoeva Wing Liner brush to do my brows if I’m using powder or something like ABH Dipbrow Pomade and from pictures I had seen of this before I got it I thought it was going to be as thin as the wing liner but shorter. It’s actually a lot thicker than I thought but still works really well at giving a precise line and doesn’t look too overdone so I’m really happy with it!

Zoeva Rose Golden Vol. 2 complete eye set review 232 235 231 221

232 Luxe Classic Shader
Another standard brush to pack on shadow with! I actually prefer the Real Techniques base shadow brush when I’m using matte shadows all over as these Zoeva brushes can be a lot stiffer and I can sometimes go overboard but they are great when using glitters as they really press it on!

235 Contour Shade
I was really hoping this would be like the Real Techniques angled shadow brush as it’s my favourite for blending but it’s not as thick and fluffy so I haven’t been using this as often as I would have liked!

231 Luxe Petite Crease Brush
This is another one of my favourite brushes and I use my original Zoeva Rose Golden version every day when putting a darker eyeshadow shade through my crease and in my outer corner! I forgot how stiff it was when I first got it but I like to wash it a few times to separate the bristles a bit so it’s softer for me to use!

221 Luxe Soft Crease Brush and 228 Crease Brush
These are two lovely tapered fluffy brushes great for blending or adding a transition shade through the crease!

Zoeva Rose Golden Vol. 2 complete eye set brush review 228 230 238 310

230 Luxe Pencil
I have wanted one of these brushes for the longest time! This is great when doing a smoky eye and adding a little shadow on the bottom lash line!

238 Luxe Precise Shader
This reaches places my Luxe Brow Light brush doesn’t so is great for inner corner highlight!

310 Spot Liner
This brush is super small but not small enough for my hooded lids! I tried it with gel eyeliner and it was just a little too thick for me but if you don’t have hooded lids or can get away with thicker eyeliner then I’m sure it would be great! Or if you have more makeup skills ha!

Overall, this is a great set if like me you are looking to expand your eye brush collection! I was tempted by the mixed eye and face set but I’m really happy with the face brushes I have so was glad to expand my eye collection! It’s a totally unnecessary set if you’re not into eye makeup but even though I’m not that experimental with it, I do wear eyeshadow every day! It’s such a luxurious set from the colour scheme to the detailing on the zip and I’m glad to have it in my collection!

I got mine from the BeautyBay website for £56.95! If you like this post you might like my favourite brushes post here or my review of the Zoeva Bamboo Vol. 2 set here! Have you got this or any other Zoeva brush sets? What do you think of them?

Danielle xx



  1. I have a void in my collection for quality eye brushes, so I could definitely see myself getting these! They're so pretty and sound like great quality!

    She Likes to Shop

  2. I bought these over summer and have not stopped raving about them since, they're insane and we got the same collection! I got given the face brushes for Christmas and I'm just obsessed with those, I keep going back and checking their collection for the brushes I don't have and their new palettes are insanely beautiful. Such a lovely brand, they never disappoint!

    Em | beauty&bullshit x

    1. Totally agree! I definitely want to add a blush palette to my collection soon and I always have room for more brushes! Xx

  3. Gah these are insanely pretty I want them all!

    Makeup Monster

  4. These brushes are so pretty!

    xo, Liz

  5. I still haven't tried any products from Zoeva, and I have so many Zoeva products on my wishlist. These brushes are the prettiest!

    1. Ah I hope you get some soon! I don't think you will be disappointed! Xx

  6. These brushes look a-maz-iiiiiing! They are so so pretty too! Which makes them even more inviting, I definitely think I am going to invest in these. Thanks for sharing! <3

    The Dazzle Guide

  7. I have the original rose gold set and I absolutely love it, now I want this one too! The luxe pencil looks absolutely great, I need a brush like that in my life. Lovely review :)

    The Makeup Directory

    1. I have been on the lookout for one for so long! Such a great set! Thanks Sally! Xx

  8. I have both of the original Rose Gold sets but this is really tempting me as Zoeva do my favourite eye brushes and some of them I could do with duplicates of or I've used them half to death haha xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

    1. I know sometimes you do need 4 copies of one brush! Saves time on washing ;) xx

  9. A really great detailed review! I haven't tried any brushes from Zoeva yet, I do want to sometime soon but I've just been putting it off as they wouldn't get much use. The three crease brushes look perfect for adding to my collection though :)

    Velvet Blush

    1. Thank you! They are great! Maybe have a look at the mixed sets with some face and eye brushes you might get more use out of them? Xx

  10. This is such a beautiful brush set! I have many Zoeva eye brushes but bough all of them individually and never invested in a set as there are always 2, 3 brushes that are a bit un-usable for me. x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

    1. That's the same for me but I sometimes sell the ones I'm not a fan of on eBay (as long as I haven't used them of course!) like the concealer buffer! Xx

  11. They brushes look and sound amazing. The colours are so pretty xx

    Tiffany Tales – A British Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  12. These look so luxurious, i would love to try them one day! <3
    Thanks for the post.

  13. I've got the 221 but I'm definitely looking round for some more eye brushes. Which ones are your favourites?

    Megan Does Beauty xx

    1. I love the luxe petite crease, soft definer and brow line! And the wing liner from another set! Xx

  14. Oh these are so stunning! I haven't tried any Zoeva products or brushes, but it's not like I need an excuse to buy more makeup brushes haha. I can never have enough of those!

    Thirteen Thoughts

    1. They are amazing quality for such a good price too! Definitely my favourite brush brand! Xx

  15. I really want this set but only because it looks pretty lol but I don't wear eyeshadow enough to justify it. I own the rose gold set and the rose gold volume 2 set which I highly recommend!xx

  16. Omg! Don't even. I'm IN LOVE right now. I think I just went to make up brush heaven. I'm forever looking for great eye brushes, I feel like there is defo space on the market for more fluffy eye brushes.

    Alexandra |

    1. There is always room for more! Glad you liked them! Xx

  17. These look absolutely gorgeous, I love the rose gold! Such a complete set too, I stick to the same 4 brushes most of the time haha. Great review!
    xo Kiki

    1. They are sooo pretty! So soft too, I love them! Thank you Kiki! Xx

  18. These are so beautiful, I always have my eye on them when I'm wondering past Sephora. I don't really own many make up brushes so it'll be nice to eventually add something like these to my collection. Just need to save up money first!

    Sally ~ DiagonSally

    1. Yeah the money in one go hurts but you're saving money really ;) xx

  19. I've been obsessed with makeup brushes & Zoeva's brushes are so cute!
    Love those details & color <3
    Thanks for sharing this! xx

    Kaylee | JK's Dawn

  20. Wow, so amazing!!! I'm thinking about buying this set, it's too stunning! *-*

  21. oh those brushes look so good. zoeva brushes are amazing and i need to get myself a rose gold set.

  22. Oooo, I am SO into these! Especially because they don't test on animals <3

  23. They are already in my wishlist!! ♥♥♥

  24. I wanted these for Xmas but they were sold out everywhere! Look at those crease brushes, soooo pretty!
    I still want!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

    1. They're back in stock now... Seriously though, soooo good! Xx

  25. I have been lusting after this set for the longest time ever, it's just beautiful. I hope I can treat myself to it soon x

    Beauty with charm

    1. I hope you do too Alina! Can't imagine anyone getting this and being disappointed! Xx

  26. Wow these brushes are seriously absolutely beautiful and I find myself lusting after them each time I see a blogger post about them!

    Rae | Love from Berlin

    1. So beautiful! I love seeing posts about them too! Xx

  27. I neeeeeeed this set in my life! Bigtime! xx


  28. Amazing blog! I will look here more often :)

    Follow for follow? :)

  29. these look so pretty! I have a few Zoeva brushes but I really need to invest in some more :D

    1. I absolutely love them! Their face brushes are so good too! Xx

  30. Wow this looks amazing!!! I don't have many brushes and have been looking around for a set, so thanks for the review!

    xoxo Emily

  31. I love the cream and rose gold colouring of these, I keep toying with the idea of buying them. I always feel buying a set like this I would attempt my eyes a bit more, all the bits look fab x

    Tamz |

    1. They are so pretty! Hope you treat yourself soon! Xx

  32. These brushes look AMAZING! They are also super cute! Love the rose gold detail. I will definitely give them a try! Hope you are having a great wee, Danielle! xx

    Ale |

    1. Glad you like them Ale, hope you had a lovely weekend! Xx

  33. Such a pretty set. I've been wanting to get some good brushes and it's been a toss up between Zoeva and Real Techniques.

    1. They are both great brands, I love Real Trchniques too! Xx

  34. I have this set but the mix of face and eye brushes and I love them! They're such good quality and they are so pretty!

    Lauren Ashleigh xx

    1. Totally agree! I was so tempted to get the mixed set but I'm really happy with my face brushes so went with this one! Xx

  35. These are gorgeous, I'd love them in my makeup set!

    Anything & Everything | Bloglovin'

  36. I absolutely love Zoeva and this set look stunning! Going to have to purchase it next payday, need more eye brushes!

    Hana | ♥

  37. This set is stunning! I've been holding myself not to buy it because god only knows I already have enough eye brushes. I love Zoeva! :) x

    Renata | Speaking Beauty UK - Eyelash Enhancer GIVEAWAY

    1. They are gorgeous! The quality is amazing too, I have ways have room for more Zoeva! Xx

  38. They look amazing!
    Would you like to follow each other via GFC? Just let me know :)

    Hello, my name is Ev

  39. Oh wow these are stunning! I keep eyeing up Zoeva brushes whenever I see them online and now I want them even more! x

    Evelyn @ We Were Raised By Wolves

  40. I have this exact set and I absolutely love it - the brushes are stunning, and such high quality xx

    Gemma |

  41. This set is so gorgeous! I only have the 231 Petit Crease brush from Zoeva and I love it, I'm definitely going to get more in the future!

  42. These look so gorgeous! X

  43. These are so pretty! xx

  44. I love the Zoeva brushes. They are so good and look so pretty :)
    xx Katha

  45. These brushes look heavenly, love the packaging and the color, gorgeous!


  46. Such beautiful looking brushes! Thanks for this review...I have been wanting to get some Zoeva brushes for a long time now. Will pick a few favourites now :)

    Christina ♥

  47. They are so amazing! I can't wait to get mine!

    Dajana |

  48. Hmmm, I don't think I've ever seen prettier brushes in my life :D
    Ivona from

  49. I haven't tried Zoeva products yet but I've heard such incredible things! I'll have to check them out at some point. Their brushes are just beautiful! xx
    Celina | The Celution | Bloglovin’

    1. They are amazing! Hope you get your hands on some Celina! Xx

  50. I've heard so much about these but yet haven't tried one! Some day.. Some day.. :D

    <3: Jasmin N
    Little Things With Jassy

  51. Whoa, I've been eyeing to have this brushes! They are so pretty, that every time I see these brushes on other blogger's post makes me say wow.. Hope that hubby will get one for me hihi

    Jhem |

  52. These look so gorgeous, I need them!! The rose gold is so pretty. Love your reviews! :)
    xo Kiki

    1. Thank you Kiki! I always try to comment on your blog but Wordpress won't let me, sorry! Xx

  53. I have been wanting a blackhead remover but I tried it once and didn't work.

    1. Haha I think this was for my most recent post! I find the blackhead has to be really near the surface for it to work! Xx

  54. We have been dying to pick up some Zoeva brushes! They always look so dreamy in photos

    M + K


  55. I have long dreamed to buy a set of brushes. I liked these. Thanks for sharing

    Sincerely, Stacy
    My Sewing & DIY Blog

  56. This set looks so gorgeous, I reallyyy want to try Zoeva brushes. I'm hoping to invest in a set sometime this year!

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

  57. Oh gosh, I'm salivating over those brushes..... They are so beautiful! I've heard a million great reviews about them. Unfortunately, it's not readily available in malls or drugstores here in my place.

    Elle /


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