Thursday, 24 September 2015

Soap and Glory Christmas Gift 2015 Wishlist

Soap and Glory Christmas Gifts 2015

Too early?  I don’t know about you guys but the Boots Christmas book signals the start of the Christmas countdown for me and I love having a nosy through the gifts and picking out my favourites! Well, the Boots book isn’t actually out yet but after having a snoop on Soap and Glory’s website earlier to check out their new foundation (excited about this too FYI) I saw they had their Christmas gifts up! Now I am no stranger to Soap and Glory as you will have seen by various empties posts featuring their product’s and a few raves on their makeup here and here but I genuinely got a little too overexcited when I saw what they have planned for their Christmas gifts and decided to do a post!

I've picked out my favourite seven from the new releases so from top left clockwise we have the gorgeous Well I’ll be Glammed makeup set filled with cult favourite Solar Powder, Archery tint and pencil and Supercat eyeliner to name a few. Next up is a beautiful eye shadow palette that looks to have slightly different shades than last years (yet I need it too), The Perfect Ten. Heading to body care now, theres Soaper Star filled with body wash, moisturiser and more! Then there’s Winter Wonderhand, a set of three of S + G’s hand creams which I am obsessed with having in my handbag! Next up is The Wheel Deal filled with a full size body polish and 4 mini moisturisers! We then have Soaprise, a cracker set filled with minis of the range of body washes of which my favourites are Clean on Me and Clean Girls! Last but not least back to makeup for Time to Pink, another gorgeous set with a nail polish and Original Pink rollerball perfume too!

So those are my top picks and what I’ll be putting on my list this Christmas! Have you seen anything you like? Is anyone as obsessed with Soap and Glory as I sadly am?



  1. Great products~! I've never tried Soap and Glory before, but everything looks lovely <33

    1. I can't wait to pick a few up when they come into store! Xx

  2. I've only really started using products from Soap & Glory in the last 6 months or so but I've totally fallen in love! These gift sets look really exciting - I'll definitely have to keep my eyes out for them! xx

    emily x ❤ | emilyloula

  3. I want them all but if I had to choose only one, the perfect ten sounds fab!

    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

    1. Their eyeshadows are so good! Gifts are always on 3 for 2 in Boots, perfect excuse :P xx

  4. I love S&G! They have so many great products and I can never have enough! These sets sound great!

    1. Me neither! It's beginning to become a problem! Xx

  5. I saw the Wheel Deal in store the other day and it's already found its way onto my wish list haha xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty | High-End Palette Giveaway

    1. It would be hard not too! I will need to be forcefully kept away from Boots stores in the run up to Christmas I think! Xx

  6. It looks like Soap and Glory have some incredible options for Christmas gift giving this year! As excited as I am for the holiday season though, haven't really started thinking about which gifts to give yet, as it is only September, but these are def. getting my mind thinking.

    Rae | Love from Berlin

    1. I did think it was a bit early, couldn't help myself though :P xx

  7. Great list! I love the smell of their products!


    1. Me too! I love how you can layer up too with body wash, moisturiser and body spray :) xx

  8. Oh no, this is mad! Christmas is slowly creeping in! I find that the best time to get these are after Christmas, they are so much cheaper! Especially the big old boxes!

    Musings & More

    1. Hell yes, the Boots after Christmas sale is the best! Xx

  9. I think Soap & Glory are the perfect gift to anyone. It all just smells so amazing, I literally get hungry when I use the breakfast scrub! I also love their motherpucker lipglosses and archery eyebrow pencil!


    1. Haha they are definitely a crowd pleaser! I love the Archery eyebrow pencil too :D xx

  10. Soap and Glory are amazing, I want everything on your list too haha!
    x Aimee @

  11. Soap & Glory always have such a nice selection of gifts for Christmas and I usually end up buying the biggest set available when Boots have it on half price promotion x

    Beauty with charm

    1. Me too! It's such a good offer it would be rude not to! Xx

  12. Soap & Glory always has some of the best gift sets! Unfortunately they're getting to be impossible to find in the states here now :( First they left Target and now Sephora, I'm not even sure you can buy their stuff anymore besides online which carries very little on the US site. Hopefully they come back soon because I need more of their products!

    1. Ah no that sucks! I thought I read they were stocking in Ulta now? Hopefully they come back with more products :) xx

  13. This is such a perfect wishlist. I love Soap and Glory. I literally couldn't choose between all these gift sets!

    Kirstie |

  14. I want ALL, thanks!! I've never tried Soap and Glory products because they're not available in my country! x

    1. That sucks! Everyone should get the chance to experience Soap and Glory! Maybe if you're ever in the UK you could try them :) xx

  15. Lovely post, thanks for sharing! :)

    I currently have a giveaway on my blog, you could win a pair of sunglasses - let me know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  16. I always get so much Soap & Glory at Christmas but I love it, keeps me stockpiled for the rest of the year!

    1. Haha tell me about it! I get a lot at Christmas too but I always go back for more in the Christmas sale 'in case I run out'! :) xx


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