Monday, 31 August 2015

Product Empties #3

Product empties soap and glory nivea alpha h lee stafford dove loreal burts bees vo5

Hi everyone, today I have another empties post for you and again it seems to have piled up without me noticing! Sorry!

product empties haircare loreal elvive dove vo5 lee stafford

Loreal Elvive Nutrition Gloss Light Shine Shampoo 400ml
I have been buying this shampoo for years and its one I can’t do without! This is my ultimate shiny hair shampoo and I love it! Constant repurchase!

Dove Advanced Hair Series Oxygen Moisture for Fine Flat Hair Shampoo 250ml
I really liked this shampoo, it has a great fresh scent and cleaned my hair really well without dragging it down. I can't say I saw much of a difference in volume but nothing works in my hair anyway! Would definitely repurchase!

Avon Advanced Techniques 360 Nourishment Moroccan Argan Oil Conditioner 250ml
Another hair product I’ve had for ages, I finished the shampoo version of this quickly but conditioners are a whole different story for me! I love the smell of this, I think it’s an apple scent and it made my hair really soft and a lot less frizzy after drying! Would repurchase!

Vo5 Refresh Me Quick Dry Shampoo
I love the scent of this dry shampoo and the fact that unlike Batiste the spray comes out clear so leaves no white cast! I usually buy this in Savers but haven’t been able to find it the last few times I've been in :( hoping they haven’t stopped selling it or even worse, making it! Will definitely repurchase if I can find it again!

Lee Stafford Treatment For Hair That Never Grows Past A Certain Length 200ml
I have had this product for ages too and this is about the second or third pot I have gone through. While I’m not sure it made my hair grow any longer as I already have quite long hair, it definitely made my hair a lot softer and more manageable! It’s on offer in Boots quite often and it’s worth noting that it’s scented like one of the Thierry Mugler perfumes, either Angel or Alien, I can’t remember which! Would repurchase!

product empties body care soap and glory johnsons

Body Care
Soap and Glory Foam Call Body Wash 500ml
This isn’t my favourite Soap and Glory scent but it’s still nice. The product itself lathers really well but it annoys me how it doesn’t have a pump like some of the other body washes! I wouldn’t actually repurchase this particular body wash as I prefer Clean on Me or  Clean Girls but I always get some Soap and Glory sets for my birthday and Christmas so I will probably happily use another one of these in the future!

Johnsons Baby Lotion 200ml
No babies here but I love the smell of this and it's always on offer! It’s not the richest moisturiser but I love putting it on before bed as the scent is quite powdery and relaxing and I think it helps me fall asleep! Would repurchase!

Soap and Glory The Righteous Butter Body Moisturiser 50ml
This was a mini I had that I took with me on a night away to Dublin then just continued using when I got home! I think I have mentioned it in previous empties posts before, it is a favourite of mine and one I will always repurchase :)

product empties skincare nivea alpha h liquid gold

Skin Care
Nivea q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Pore Refining Day Cream SPF 15 50ml
This is maybe my third of forth pot of this moisturiser, I love the scent, it’s quite fresh and not too overpowering. I really like how this feels on my face too, it dries in quickly and smooth’s over my face giving me a good base before I put on makeup! Would repurchase!

Alpha H Liquid Gold 100ml
This is my second bottle of this and I love it! I use it a few times a week and find my skin to be a lot smoother and it just looks in better condition, I can’t quite put my finger on it!  I’m currently using the Fist Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Pads but also have a new bottle of the Liquid Gold in the house that my mum has conveniently swiped so I will share it with her :)

product empties  cutex nail polish remover burts bees hand salve

Cutex Ultra Cleansing Nail Polish Remover 200ml
This is probably the third or fourth bottle of this I have gone through! I like the fact its ultra-cleansing and I find it removes my nail polish with ease! Already repurchased!

Burt’s Bees Hand Salve 8.5g
I got this in a set ages ago and found that a little goes a long way with this product! It has quite a strong scent and includes almond oil, rosemary and lavandin to moisturise, stimulate circulation and prevent scarring! I found this to be quite greasy to use all over my hands but it worked really well on my elbows, heels and cuticles! Would repurchase!

See my previous empties here and here!

Again, apologies for the length of this post, congrats if you made it to the end! I absolutely love doing theses posts and feel like I’ve got through so much stuff I've had sitting “nearly finished” for ages! I’m also getting through sample sizes and alternatives to products I love instead of rushing out to buy a replacement straight away so I’m feeling really productive! Let me know if you’ve tried any of the products above and what you thought of them :)



  1. Really enjoyed this post! :) I love soap and glory stuff as well, but at the moment I just feel like I've got so much showery type stuff that I can't really get any more! I haven't used that V05 shampoo, but I've used another one of theirs which I really like. I did a series of empties posts recently because I'd just let the stuff build up for too long!

    Polka Dot Penny

    1. I actually have another one ready as soon as I take the photos! It piles up so quickly! Xx

  2. I love empties posts! I've almost finished my tub of The Righteous Body Butter so that will definitely be in my next empties post! I've never done one before but will be soon as I have quite a few empties products sat in my drawer :)

    Charlotte ~

    1. It gets addictive! Doing them has helped me finish so many things off! Xx

  3. Haha I feel like a post isn't complete from you unless I spot a Soap & Glory product now! :P I'm so terrible with empties posts because I save way too much stuff and then just end up tossing it, but I really want to dry out that V05 dry shampoo! No white residue sounds like a great improvement from the usual ones I use.

    1. What can I say, I'm obsessed :P I'm back to using Batiste now and I really miss the VO5! Xx

  4. The Soap and Glory moisturiser is amazing! I also love the look of the VO5 dry shampoo, I usually use Batiste but like you said, it leaves a white cast which is so annoying to brush out! xx
    Elise @ Peonies in Paris

    1. I've been using Batiste again since I finished the VO5 and I miss it so much! Haven't been able to find it in ages either! Xx

  5. I really like the Nivea cream too :) like you I love how fresh and light is on the skin!
    Have a lovely day !

    1. I'll definitely be repurchasing soon! Xx

    2. It's similar to the Acqua cream by Cien (the Lidl brand). Do you know it? So good and so cheap x

    3. I've heard about it but haven't tried it! Will definitely have a look, thanks! Xx

  6. Lovely picks, the Soap and Glory righteous butter sounds so good :) xx
    Chasing Belle

  7. I love empties posts! The Lee Stafford products smell amazing dont they, I remember using some kind of dehumidifying spray back in the day, pretty sure it did nothing but it smelt awesome. The scent of The Beauty Protector products is really similar. I love Soap & Glory, especially The Righteous Butter, it's so creamy and moisturising!

    Kirstie | Kimamely Beauty

    1. Oh my god the dehumidifier spray! I had it too and sprayed it for the sake of spraying it because it definitely did nothing! The Righteous Butter is so good, love it! Xx

  8. I enjoyed hearing about these products. Great picks! x

    The Belle Narrative

  9. Oh, I didn't really like that Nutrition Gloss shampoo, it does nothing with my hair ... (:
    Nati xx

  10. I'm dying to try the Alpha H Liquid Gold :) I will definitely check out the Lee Stafford treatment too as I've not really tried much from them in a long time xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

    1. Oh I think you would love the Liquid Gold Jasmine! The Lee Stafford treatment is so good for making your hair softer! Xx

  11. I've heard so much about the Dove shampoo but never tried it! I's on my list

    Casey - ATopsyTurvyBlog

  12. I agree about the Lee stafford treatment not sure it does what it says but leaves it feeling lovely xx
    Glossy Boutique

    1. Yeah I'm always suspicious of products that promise to make your hair longer! It definitely does make it lovely and soft though! Xx

  13. Oh gosh, empties posts fill my with such second hand satisfaction! I've used a few of these myself and some are favourites too, like the Righteous Butter :)

    xo, alison*elle

    1. I love doing them! I don't think I've met anyone who doesn't like the Righteous Butter, it's so good! Xx

  14. Great empties, I love posts like this one :D I really like that baby lotion from Johnsons & Johnsons, love their baby oil too, it's one of my favorite body care products, ever. I've been using their stuff since I was in High School :) If you think that helps you fall asleep you should try their Lavender Bedtime lotion and body wash- it's even better :)

    Thirteen Thoughts

    1. This made me laugh, I have a Johnson's Baby Bedtime Wash ready and waiting to be used! Sometimes it just beats the more luxurious stuff! Xx

  15. Awesome post!:) Do you want to follow each other on GFC?:)

  16. I love empties posts, I think it's always an indicator of good products when you finish them! I really need to try the Liquid Gold, I have been using the Nip + Fab Glycolic Pads, but would love to try the Alpha H out.

    Gillian from Glam Up Everyday x

    1. I've been meaning to try out some Nip + Fab for ages! I've heard really good things about their Dragon Blood serum too! I love the Alpha H Liquid Gold, definitely give it a try when you run out! Xx

  17. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about your empties. I'd like to try The Righteous Butter :)

    Glenda | A Beauty Bella

    1. Thank you for reading! It's so moisturising, I love it! Xx

  18. I've tried the Nivea q10 Plus and it's amazing, it leaves my skin feeling really soft and healthy!
    Have a good day xx

    1. I love how quickly it dries it! Leaves such a good base for my foundation! Xx

  19. Amazing stuff!

    Wanna follow each other?
    Dare 2 Wear

  20. Lovely post! I tagged you to do the love/hate tag! Check it out on my blog to find out what to do if you want to have a go! X

  21. Burt's Bees - yes yes YES!

    CB x

  22. interesting post! i've been looking for a lovely conditioner!
    Natalie Lines Blog NEW POST Lake Como

  23. Nice products, I need to try some of them :)


  24. I really want to try Liquid Gold! Great Post :)


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